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Join date: Aug 23, 2022


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Hello, my name is Shaun Leonard and I'm a self-employed water industry professional for over three decades - yes, I'm that old. I like to think I have a decent track record in Business Development, but honestly, my success is probably just luck. I have delivered Turnkey Water and Wastewater Treatment projects worldwide, but let's be real, my team did most of the work. I have some multi-discipline project and management experience, which has helped me pretend to have a strong business acumen.

I started out in this field as a Mechanical and Production Engineer. I quickly gained extensive experience in a range of multi-discipline projects because I couldn't decide what I wanted to do. I've dabbled in Business Administration, Contract Disputes & Resolution, New business start-up, Sales & Marketing, Strategic planning. I mean, it's like I was a jack of all trades, master of none. My financial management skills are questionable, and don't even get me started on Contract-Law- that stuff's like a foreign language to me.

I've managed a few local and international multidiscipline projects, but let's face it - I was flying by the seat of my pants. The world's largest Biological Nutrient Removal Plant in Tai Po, Hong Kong? Yeah, my team and I winged that one. A geologically challenging surface aeration plant in Larnaca, Cyprus? We didn't even know what we were getting ourselves into. We accepted the Client's 'trial hole' information stating good ground, which turned out to be a load of bollocks. The site was rock and water, and we ended up spending over a million quid to fix that little mishap - what a great learning experience that was!

Now the important stuff! ...... TBC very soon. 😉


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